This tool has been superceded by version 2
All values must be present before the calculation can take place.
Surgical severity will be calculated automatically on entry of procedure details.
If the procedure you are searching for is not listed, please use the nearest available procedure for calculation.
The SORT is a pre-operative risk prediction tool for death within 30 days of surgery. It has been developed and validated for use in inpatient non-neurological, non-cardiac surgery in adults (aged 16 or over).
This web resource is the result of a collaborative effort between NCEPOD researchers (Karen Protopapa and Neil Smith) and doctors in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine who are part of the SOuRCe team (Ramani Moonesinghe and Jo Simpson).
The UCL/UCLH Surgical Outcomes Research Centre (SOuRCe)
The National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD)
Intellectual property: the tool in its present form is available for use in any future validation studies. However, if you wish to modify the tool and formula (remix, transform, build upon it), please contact the corresponding author ( The manuscript is freely available under Open Access but should be cited where appropriate. The web link to the tool is available for use on your intranets/websites and can be used real time or via screenshots in any presentations you might make.
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